Jaxon has his 18 month check up on Friday. I can't believe my little man is almost a year and a half! I think we're going to give him a cupcake for his half birthday. Let's face it, who wouldn't want a cupcake on their half birthday?! Jaxon is quite the sprinter. He can run pretty darn fast for his age. He's also mastering all other motor skills. He can climb onto ANYTHING and he has recently learned how to do a somersault, so he likes to do those a lot.
My family surprised me the other week. I thought my Dad and Debi were flying out to visit Jake, Jaxon and I but it turns out it was my Dad, Kyle, Missy and the kids! Everyone was a part of the surprise and they all kept it for a long time. I have no idea how they pulled it off, but it was a dream come true. We went to the zoo and Disneyland while they were here. Everyone had a great time and left with amazing memories.
We officially got our new Japan orders. We'll be reporting to Okinawa in January 2014. We have a few months to get all of Eva's paperwork and passport in order before we leave, which is great because I was really stressing about not having enough time to do that. It's still surreal that we'll be moving to another country, let alone continent on the other side of the world! Our good friends, the Schmidts, leave in two weeks for Japan. We'll miss them a lot, but we'll see them in a few months. I'm glad we'll all have at least one friend out there before we take the plunge! I better start brushing up on my Japanese and Kanji now. The plan right now is that me and the babies will fly home in early December and Jake will stay back at the house with the dogs until our house is packed up and the movers come get our things. Jake will then drive back to MO with the dogs and we'll all be home for a little while before leaving for Japan at the first of the year.
We just participated in a garage sale with our friends to get rid of some of the things we don't use anymore. This effort to downsize for the move helped a little bit, but it really just made us realize how much stuff we really own! I have no idea how we accumulated so much. We'll have another sale when it gets closer to moving time.
Baby Eva is telling me she's hungry so I better go feed her. ;) We love you all!
28 weeks with Evalyn Jane